Wo-Built Inc's Commitment to the Community
For those of you who have not heard of us, WO-BUILT INC is a women led construction company for women using a "Woman’s Touch". Part of the "Woman’s Touch" is our commitment to the Community.
I am in danger of repeating myself, but we are a construction company with a social mission. As mentioned in previous postings we want to help women succeed in the skilled building trades.
However, our commitment to the community goes beyond our training mission. Many Women and Youth Not-For-Profit organizations in the Greater Toronto Area need construction help at some stage. We want to be of help to these organizations using our talents as project and construction managers so that during construction projects they obtain the best value for their money. We offer this service at very much reduced rates to these organizations. This is our way of giving back to the community.
Of course we have to strike a balance between our Design and Build projects and our community projects. Hence, each project is looked at for its merits and the level of need and if we can accommodate it, we will try to help.
Martina Ernst
Wo-Built Inc
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