Wobinna and Friends Built a Fabulous Lemonade Stand

Illustrations and story by Dawn Palfreyman
Copyright 2010 © Wo-Built Inc.
We really hope you enjoy this story.
The Early Years...
Panel 1
Young Wobinna (about 10 years old) and her best friend, (Michaela, Micki for short) are lying in the backyard on the grass. It’s the week-end and they’re bored. They’re looking for something to do. Micki comes up with an idea.
Micki: Why don’t we set up a lemonade stand?
Wobinna with an enthusiastic response: H’mm….I like it, I’ll build the stand!
Panel 2
They are now in Wobinna’s room at her drafting table creating a plan for their lemonade stand. They’re both excited about the ideas that they’ve come up with.
Wobinna: What if we had an extra piece (of wood) here?
Micki (excitedly): Ooooh! And here!!
Panel 3
With the final constructed stand, they set up for business at their local park. With their unique design, they attract a lot of attention and sell a lot of lemonade!
Young couple buying lemonade: WOW! Cool stand!
Micki in response: (Yeah) She (Wobinna) loves to build!
The next comic strip to follow!
Wo-Built Inc. is dedicated to women in the trades. We created Wobinna & Friends to encourage women to look at the construction industry as an alternative career choice with a multitude of options. Wobinna & Friends is interested in all aspects of the construction industry. We would like to see more women explore the many opportunities open to them and become successful.
Wobinna & Friends and any associated characters, storylines and/or merchandise are the sole property and copyright of Wo-Built Inc. This includes all media.
Wobinna Is Born
Wobinna Built a Fabulous Doll House
Wobinna and Friends Built a Fabulous Lemonade Stand
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